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Vancouver Club Wedding

I’m going to my boyfriend’s cousin’s Wedding at the Vancouver Club this evening. The bride to be is not only beautiful but also has impeccable taste. I’m sure it won’t be anything less than spectacular.

Photo Via: Love of Fair, Mario Diab,


Tea Party

Well, I may be a little late with this, but I have just discovered the glories of David’s Tea*. I have always been a tea drinker (not in lieu of coffee mind you) but I always stuck to the usual suspects of basic Blacks and Greens. I decided to venture into the little tea shop (on 4th Ave in Vancouver) and sample some of their loose leafs. I am a convert. Their fruit tea blends are perfection and add a whole new dimension to my tea drinking experience! I plan to enjoy a few more tea parties this spring and summer. I can’t wait to dig into some new flavors (perhaps accompanied by those tiny little sandwiches with the crusts cut off).



I have improved my smaller much smaller walk through closet with a bit of paint and some industrial DIY closet solutions (photos may be revealed if I can get it looking tidy enough over the weekend) but it doesn’t even come close to the glorious closet of Kelly Wearstler. Not only is it absolutely impeccably designed but its content is equally impressive. I can dream…


Shadowy Kitchens

I have always been drawn to bright, white kitchens. So it was a strange decision for me to choose a dark, navy blue to paint my own cabinets in my rental apartment (Benjamin Moore: Gentleman’s Grey). I guess I have been subconsciously inspired by some of these beauties! Check ‘em out.

Photos Via: Theory of Black, The Man of Style, Miles Redd


The Nook

I love the idea of a dining nook. It’s a much cozier way to enjoy a meal or your morning coffee. I am trying to find a way to incorporate this concept into my own dining space, but it’s proving to be difficult. Right now my dining room doubles as my office.  If I have a settee in there too I may not get much work done...

Photos Via:  Breakfast and Toast, House beautiful, Style at Home, Viva full house



Okay, Frank Lloyd Wright would probably roll over in his grave if he saw himself referred to as "Frankie". Lucky for me, he was cremated and his ashes have been place somewhere in the stonework of his Arizona home, Taliesin! (and it's nearly impossible for ashes to turn over).

I dragged Anders along on a tour of his house in the desert; I thought it was spectacular (turns out, he thought it was pretty cool too).

I won’t recap the entire tour (the photos tell a good story) but I will fill you in on one interesting tid-bit. Frank Lloyd Wright loved the ocean. He also loved the desert. Wright believed that the dessert looked just like the ocean floor (and at one point it was!). The whole structure is built to mimic a ship. There is a prow at the front of the property that looks as though it’s heading out to sea…tres awesome!


Dropped Off

I have to apologize again to all of you. I have dropped off the blogger face of the earth completely. So a few things have gone down since we I last talked:

·         I moved to a new apartment and have been trying to ‘spruce it up’ a bit with any spare time I have

·         The boy and I took a trip to Arizona/Mexico (such an amazing time)

·         We have tracked down a PUPPY! He will be joining our family early April

·         I have been bombarded with a lot of project work (Yeay! Happy dance!)

·         I have booked my trip to New York for the Kravet Design Blogger Conference. I’ll be going with my lovely friend and very talented designer Amanda Swanlund!

So those are my excuses for my absence… not good enough, I know. I will try, try to keep on top of everything. For today, how about some pictures of wild horses in Mexico? (these will soon be the inspiration for a custom art piece that my wonderful and very talented mother is going to do for our new place!)
